Trang TMĐT chính thức của công ty cổ phẩn công nghệ đỉnh cao TTech
Industry standard size 25 incremental encoders offer reliable feedback with options up to 10,000 PPR, sealing, extended temp range and more.
2.25" size shafted encoder with unbreakable code disc. Rated at 100G shock and 20G vibration. IP67 sealing available. 1-3,600 PPR.
Standard size 25 absolute encoders come with shaft or hub-shaft mounting, multiple protocols including SSI, BiSS, DeviceNet and more.
Miniature shafted encoder offers ABZ output options with <2.0" size options and differential line driver available. 100-2,540 PPR.
Compact magnetic absolute encoder built with oversized bearings, wide temperature range and optional IP69K sealing. 12 bit ST, 12-16 bit MT.
Shafted encoder with 56 C-Face or foot mount, dual shaft and dual isolate output options, 5/8" shaft size. 1 to 5,000 PPR.
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