Cảm biến đo nhiệt độ, độ ẩm Hydrogen Peroxide Vaisala PEROXCAP HPP270
The Vaisala PEROXCAP® Hydrogen Peroxide, Humidity, and Temperature Probe HPP270 series probes HPP271 and HPP272 are designed for demanding hydrogen peroxide bio-decontamination where repeatable, stable, and accurate measurement is essential. HPP270 series probes are suitable for a variety of applications such as isolator, material transfer hatch, and room bio-decontamination. The new, basic probe option HPP271 is for measuring only H2O2 vapor concentration whereas the renewed advanced option HPP272 provides all the parameters you need to measure during bio-decontamination processes: hydrogen peroxide vapor, temperature, and humidity as relative saturation and relative humidity. Now also dew point and vapor pressure measurements are possible.