- These are pressure gauges that use a liquid filled between the pressure sensing section and the Bourdon tube,which is the element,as the pressure transmitting medium. They are used to measure the pressure of material melted under a high temperature and pressure of a liquid which has a high viscosity under room temperature and are extensively used in the synthetic chemical industry,textile chemical indindustry,and plastics industry.
- These pressure gauges can measure pressure over a wide temperature range of 0℃ to 330℃. They demonstrate little indication fluctuations due to temperature changes and do not require indication compensation.
- Because they are sealed,and the measured liquid does not directly enter the element (Bourdon tube),the pressure of high density liqids can be measured.
- Since the specific gravity of the filled liquid is low,theindication error(elevation error)due to the difference of height of the sensing section and the indiator does not require compensation.