Máy đo điện trở tiếp xúc, cầu đo điện trở DETEC MMO-40
MMO 40 provides an output of measurement results on LCD display.
Technical specification
1. Extended range
·Current range when measuring the resistance, up to 100 mA
·Maximum value of measured resistance, 20 kOhm
·Minimum value of measured resistance*, 5 kOhm
·Limits of absolute basic error: ±0.2%Rx ±0.2 mOhm
The minimum value of measured resistance is limited by the absolute error of ±0.2 mOhm.*
2. Range 5 Ohm, 0.5 A
·Current range when measuring the resistance, 500 mA
·Maximum value of measured resistance, 5 mOhm
·Minimum value of measured resistance, 5·10-3 Ohm
·Limits of absolute basic error ±(3·10-3Rx + 20·10-6) Ohm
3. Range 5 Ohm, 5 A
·Current range when measuring the resistance, 50 A
·Maximum value of measured resistance, 0.5 Ohm
·Minimum value of measured resistance*, 1·10-3 Ohm
·Limits of absolute basic error ±(3·10-3Rx + 20·10-6) Ohm
4. Range 50 mOhm, 50 A
·Current range when measuring the resistance, 50 A
·Maximum value of measured resistance, 50·10-3 Ohm
·Minimum value of measured resistance*, 100·10-6 Ohm
Limits of absolute basic error ±(3·10-3Rx + 20·10-6) Ohm
Dimensions of MMO-40 case: 280x240x125 mm; weight: 3 kg
Dimensions of MMO-40 accessories case: 280x240x125 mm; weight: 2 kg