Display |
LCD size: 2.3 x 1.3" (59 x 34mm) |
Measuring Geometry |
45°/0° - Circular illumination at 45°, measurement at 0° |
Spectral Range |
400nmto 700nm |
Light Source |
Two white LEDs |
Measuring Principle |
- For non light emitting sample measurements such as textiles or paper, a defined light source illuminates the sample and reflected
surface light is spectrometrically analyzed.
- For light emitting sample measurements such as CRT or LCD, the light source fromthe sample is spectrometrically analyzed directly. |
Color Sensors |
Three color photo transistors. One for all three Red, Blue & Green colors. |
Measurements |
RGB Value
R (Red) value : 0 to 1023
G (Green) value: 0 to 1023
B (Blue) value: 0 to 1023
HSL Value
H (Hue) value: 0 to 1.000
S (Saturation) value: 0 to 1.000
L (Luminance) value: 0 to 1.000 |
Repeatability |
Specified after the instrument is calibrated and measurement is
repeated on the same sample tested ten times within two minutes
R (Red) Value < 4
G (Green) Value < 4
B (Blue) Value < 4
H (Hue) Value < 0.02
S (Saturation) Value < 0.02
L (Luminance) Value < 0.02 |
Measurement Sample Material Types |
Type 1 = Non light emitting material such as Textiles, Paint etc…
Type 2 = Light emitting material such as CRT, LCD, Lamp etc…
Important Note:The H500 is designed for measuring type 1 materials. Type 2 materials are for reference only, any accuracies or stated capabilities do not apply to type 2 materials. |
Auto Power Off |
Approximately after three minutes |