Máy phân tích carbonate Equilab CO-211
The CO-211, is an instrument designed to analyze the contents of inorganic carbonate in continuous, in a solution of carbonate in water.
The carbonates contained in the solution, dosed in a continuous and constant manner, are attacked with an acid disolution inside a reactor; the acid decomposes the carbonates, releasing CO2, which is taken away by an air current, through a series of Peltier driers and chemical ones, to prepare the sample before it is quantified in a selective infrared cell (NIR).
The CO-211 works at present with a flow of approximately 5 ml /min, value considered as optimum for the level of carbonates (between 0 and 200 mmol/l) of the sample.
The CO-211 has got a reactor of approximately 700cc, where the reaction of the carbonate takes place with the acid sample that maintains the sample in permanent stirring mode and to a constant temperature.
The gases generated in the reactor, together with the entrained air and vapours, are lead to the exchanger where the vapours will condense, letting pass only the air with CO2. From there, the gases go through a new condensation phase and the dampness is extracted via an absorbent reactive, to be completely sure of having eliminated any possible trace of damp, before passing them over to the measuring unit.
The measurement is made in a completely autonomous system made of a solid estate IR cell selective to CO2 and a microprocessor that controls and regulates all the system, including the cell gain, the pulse frequency of the IR emitter, the mathematical algorithm that transforms the concentration of CO2 into the requested engineering units, the calibration values and the rest of parameters necessary for its correct functioning. This process is carried out insulated from the outside, to avoid thermal environmental influences.