Short-Wavelength Pyrometers
Williamson places a strong emphasis on short-wavelength single-wavelength pyrometers because of their ability to better tolerate emissivity variation and optical obstruction. As a result, Williamson short-wavelength pyrometers provide superior performance over a wide range of real-world operating conditions.
Short-Wavelengths Reduce Error from Emissivity Variations
For most applications, selecting the shortest practical wavelength is recommended. As indicated in the chart, shorter wavelengths result in smaller errors. In fact, short-wavelength sensors can be 4-20 times less sensitive to emissivity variation compared to long-wavelength sensors.
Short-Wavelengths Can View Through Optical Obstructions
Wavelength selection is a critical factor in Williamson’s short-wavelength technology. By choosing the correct wavelength span, you can view through water, steam, flames, combustion gases, plasmas and other common industrial interferences.