Máy kiểm tra rò rỉ, thử kín sản phẩm Cincinnati 3520
Designed and Built by Sciemetric, the 3520 Series Leak Test Module offers exciting new patented technology that provides high accuracy with extra fast cycle times. The 3520 brings leak tests in-line without creating a bottleneck, even when testing large parts.
Testing Technologies
Multi-test Configurable for Pressure Decay or Mass Flow Test Requirements
- Pressure decay
- Vacuum
- Flow
- Occlusion test
- Volume measurement
- Burst testing
- Helium evacuate and fill

- Customizable pressure and flow sequencing for more demanding pressure and flow applications
Product Highlights
- Tests parts with volumes ranging from less than 1 cc to 1,000,000 cc
- Pressure measurement resolution – down to ±0.000,01 psi
- Pressure control resolution – down to ±0.000,01 psi
- Flow measurement – down to ±0.2% of full scale
- Features temperature compensation: testing independent of part volume, atmospheric pressure or ambient temperature fluctuations
- Ultra-fast fill for large parts
- Fast pressure stabilization
- Fast pass/fail decisions
- Interfaces with SigPod