When combined with NetProfiler and Color iQC software, the Ci7600 delivers a complete color measurement and management solution for quality control professionals that is stable, delivers true consistency and is easier to service than any other benchtop sphere spectrophotometer in the market today. In addition, when combined with Color iQC as an integral part of the color workflow, specifiers and suppliers alike can be assured that color quality is consistent in the laboratory, pre-production and production.
• Fits seamlessly into operational and data environments including the ability to conformto legacy data formats. Its 0.15ΔE* inter-Instrument agreement means it can communicate with good accuracy; and its ability to repeat identical measurementswith a 0.03 ΔE* makes it a solution that provides consistency, measurement aftermeasurement.
• Automated, software-driven set-up delivers consistent configuration across alllocations. Its easy-to-read LED status display ensures operator ease of use.
• Includes multiple reflection and transmission apertures to enable more measurement flexibility as well as the ability to measure smaller samples with exceptional color accuracy.
• Complete audit trail and internal humidity and temperature sensors ensure accurate track and trace for all changes to measurements.
• Compliant with industry standards, including CIE No. 15, ASTM D1003, and ISO 7724/1