FlowTrak is an economical solution to problems associated with monitoring flow installations where long, straight runs of piping are not available. Extensive scientific testing since the 1990s has demonstrated that this device virtually eliminates the effect of piping conditions with fewer upstream diameters than any other flow conditioning technique. And its simplicity means it is a fraction of the cost of more complex solutions on the market.
Creates a uniform velocity profile by means of two stainless-steel, perforated elements with specific upstream and downstream spacing, perforation size and distribution
Eliminates velocity profile distortions, swirl and temperature stratification in the flow stream
Provides convenience and cost savings to install any gas flow meter in tough flow profile applications
Reduce upstream piping diameters to less than 3 diameters
Use inline upstream of any gas flow meter.
Ideally suited for point velocity insertion-type flow meters like thermal mass.
Designed for schedule 40 pipe with 150# flanges (for other schedules, contact factory)
Upstream element is sandwiched between two 150# flanges, along with two 1/8” gaskets
Flange mounting bolts serve to center the screen in place.